Love my Doctors at AHC, both Dr Morton (PC) & Dr Vosler (Pain Mgmt). However, I cannot clearly express my frustration when dealing with the support staff there.
Between my wife & myself we have spent countless hours on the phone with Aetna- Arrowhead Health Center-Frys Pharmacy trying to get 2 prescriptions filled over past 2 weeks. We ended up paying cash for medication because it was needed. We finely got the auth and Frys refunded us.
2ndly, I had blood drawn at the Glendale facility on July 23, 2015. It took 4 phone calls & 3 WEEKs to get those results. That was 2 weeks ago & I am still waiting for AHC to provide Aetna with correct info so will authorize the medication.
Throughout these situations my wife has left 4-5 messages for a Supervisor to call her back regarding these challenges. As of my writing this review she has not received one return call. I did receive a call back from Dr. Johnston, (one of the owners of AHC) after I physically went to clinic. I must say I was not impressed with her response to my issues and we are 3 days post her call & still no medication...........
That's my recent experience at Arrowhead Health Centers......