| - My family and I have been going to Red Robin for years. WE LOVE their food and the ambiance of the restaurant. However, over the last year we have been experiencing impersonal rude staff and slacking service all around. For example, at the Red Robin on Elliot and Kyrene the last few times we have eaten there our waiter/waitress was nom existent, refills on drinks were nearly impossible let alone getting napkins or condiments. Also in April I went there for my sons 9th birthday because my kids love the happy birthday song they sing and the free ice cream. WELL on this day we were told that they were too busy to sing and the ice cream was just dropped off at the table. I get it I understand things happen but he was super disappointed. Taking this as a teaching moment I explained to my son that being a server is hard and maybe they were short staffed. We decided to try a different location for our next Red Robin ventures and the next time we went to the Tempe Market place restaurant. Here we had a similar problem and when my food was served there was a big black hair in it. I really do hate being that person that complains about their food, as I have worked in the service industry as well. I showed the waitress and apologized for being a pain and she told me she would bring me a new meal. Well my children had already been served and began to eat. By the time my replacement meal came, which mind you was an avo-cobb-o salad..... My children had finished eating. If you have children, you know that once the kids have finished eating good luck trying to scarf your meal before the complaints start. But here comes the worst part...well for me anyways, as I started scarfing my salad I noticed that there was no bacon. Not only did they take FOREVER to replace my hairy meal they had left off the BACON!!! At this point the manager came over to ask if everything was alright, I explained to him the situation and he apologized but when I received my check nothing had been adjusted. Like I said I used to be a server and I didn't want to cause a scene so I just paid my bill left 20% and went on my way deciding that this was not the Red Robin for me either. Finally, we get to the Main Event of this story, Friday July 29, 2016 we took my older son out for his birthday because his absolute favorite place to go is RED ROBIN. My son has autism and was turning 11. So we picked a new Red Robin Location to try again. This time we went to the Red Robin on Stapley and the 60. Once we were seated the waitress took our order and walked away. I went after her to tell her that it was my son's birthday and that we would like him to get the birthday treatment. I could tell she was irritated that I had interrupted her from doing what she was doing so I apologized and thanked her for her time. Well I may be the one in my family who avoids conflict but my mother does not allow people to walk on her and especially not her grandkids. When I sat back down I told her what had happened and she was a little upset. So we went on with our lunch. When our meal was served my burger was missing an add on I had requested but we didn't say anything. The waitress realized and said that she forgot to tell the chef and that she would bring my add on of avocado on a plate. Letting that go we had continued on with our meal. Once finished with our meal the waitress came over and asked if we wanted any dessert, well I looked at her kind of perplexed because she was supposed to be doing the birthday surprise with singing and ice cream. then she realized and said oh are you ready for the ice cream now? This was upsetting because we were trying to surprise my son for his birthday. Next she just brought the ice cream and told us that they were too busy to sing. That was basically the last straw!!! We did find the manager and explained everything and he still would only discount us $10 from our total bill..... SO moral of the story is as much as we love the food at Red Robin their service is deplorable and I will not give a dime of my money to this franchise until their service problems are rectified!!!