| - We took my mother here for her birthday and we were all really excited as we are fans of Emeril. The food was good, not great and we had a minor slip up -- which at a fancy restaurant, such as this...there should not be slip's what happened:
My sister was chewing her steak and then started crunching on somehting hard -- it was the plastic tab they put in steaks to mark 'how to cook it.' So you think 'oops, they just forgot to take it out, right?' Well, when you think about dining at such a nice place, a steakhouse at that, with famous chefs and executive chefs and the sort....should they even need to have to use the little plastic things to tell when or how a steak should be cooked?
Since it was my mother's birthday they brought her out a free scoop of sorbet. ....yes it could have been nothing, but a scoop of sorbet at a fancy restaurant??? - a baked slice of cake or something made by a pastry chef would have been a little more appropriate and suiting.
The atmosphere too was very cold and there was no warmth or decor to the place.
The service was, however, excellent! Very professional and nice. They did take care of the 'slip up,' but I must say, "with all the places in Vegas, I will not be dining there again."