| - Well, I wish I had better things to say about my experience with FCE. First off, it was court appointed, I showed my ex the bad reviews on Yelp and she carried on....I paid..forced to pay, $800 retainer. I was given no road map of exactly FCE could accomplish, it was completely fishy and not the normal way I do business.
Me and my ex wife were in the usual stupid bickering back and forth about what's best for our child, schedule, etc etc, and I was totally committed and in a way looking forward to having a third party help us to mediate our challenges.
My first indication that this was not going to be a very, let's say, an empathetic experience. First indicator was the addressing of myself and my ex as 'father' 'mother' clearly they had our names and at an extortionate $200/hr (again forced by the court, backhanders all the way to the judge's reelection campaign fund I'm sure) I was expecting maybe someone to take the time to address us on a named basis.
The impersonal clinical nature continued from there. Our PC was an ex Judge, Carey Hyatt. Seemed personable at first, but once we got going, she threw impartiality to the wind and started fanning the flames, not helping either party. She very quickly got caught up in the emotion, making every topic worse with her judgment, snide upper lip comments, uncontrollable condescending attitude. I was really taken back after our first meeting. I left thinking wow, am I really the worst Dad to walk the earth or is that woman just an asshole? I talked to my ex in the parking lot and she was taken back a bit but wouldn't admit to it fully, but she started crying and we argued and went on our separate ways. From there, emails went back and forth, a lot of time, Hyatt causing more drama than fixing with oddly choices words and sometimes sentences all over the map, erratic capitalizations and just poor grammar, sometimes emailed late at night so maybe composed after a few cocktails?!
Our second meeting, I lasted 15 minutes and I walked out.
It was so bad, that my ex and I have started talking decently to each other now because we have found common ground, that common ground was FCE is a complete and utter waste of time and money. $200/hr!! For what?
I recon $75 of that goes back to the reelection campaigns of these corrupt family law judges and $25/hr goes into a pot to buy the attorneys dinners that refer them.
One farse industry in the bigger picture of the family law $5B a year money spinning machine.
Good luck parents! If you need real help, go on Yelp and look at councilors on your own. Avoid attorneys and parenting coordinators at all costs! Be nice to each other, it's cheaper! X