The place has great potential - the food is unique, the decor is edgy, the overall concept is great.
The problems are too numerous to list:
- Where is the hostess stand? Oh, it's towards the back of the restaurant.
- The restaurant appears to have 50+ people working, but not we received very little attention.
- The owner (or guy who appeared to be in charge) ran around doing things that a manager should do (helping servers get drinks, directing traffic, etc.). He did NOTHING in the way of making me feel like I should come back. This is a new restaurant. Shouldn't he come around to talk to people?
- Should someone ask how we're doing?
- Who created the menu? It's ridiculously confusing. How about some pictures?
- Waitress asked us if we wanted our check, but our food hadn't even arrived. We were just two people, I clocked our dinner from order to table at 37 minutes.
- Someone PLEASE train the wait staff. You never ask: "You done with that?" Wait staff are the customers primary contact with the restaurant. They should be like a best friend. They are what helps bring you back.
Let's be real... I'm wondering if all of the 4-5 star reviews are friends and family.