I go to many live events and while I don't really enjoy football I really did appreciate the show that the Panthers organization put on for the fans. The stadium starts off clean and the music is pumped in energetic and festive. The Panthers organization does a great job of promoting God (before game prayer), family fun & values (fun cams, comedy skits and stories of the NFL helping others) and some American values (singing of the Star Spangled Banner and praise for veterans). Many or most of the fans in the stands did not display the values that the Panthers were promoting. Most of the people seemed to enjoy the environment. Maybe we are just used to NBA fans who seem to be quite a bit more reserved concerning property damage and overly aggressive and loud actions. I've seen fans get removed from NBA arenas for acting the way the majority of the NFL fans were acting. Anyway the stadium is clean and has to many food choices to count. If you are a football fan then this is a great venue to watch your game in.