Honestly worst club around hands down!! Nice production doesn't make you a great club. First of all guest list line and people who "paid money" are all mixed together and made the line really really long. So why buy a ticket then!? Then you finally get in and then there's another long long line to even get into the club and it doesn't move! Guestlist people aren't even aloud inside only on the outside around the pool, again I "paid money" to get into the club but couldn't! Why buy a ticket!? We just stood outside in the cold waiting for the chance to see the person I "paid money" to see! This was ridiculous! Didnt even get the chance to go inside! What a waste of money! I've been to clubs all over the country and have never experienced anything like last night. Super disappointed with XS and the crazy thing is this happened last time we came! Four months ago. So we gave it another chance cause the artist playing was worth it. Boom! Again we couldn't get in! Never again no matter who is playing will I be going back to this club. I will admit the staff was nice and friendly except for this lil guy telling everyone to stand against the wall. Like really man how close you want us to that wall! Anyways XS was a fail! Again! You guys should fix these issues. But as of now you guys fall waaay behind all other clubs in the country. **I don't recommend this club.** I would like my money back please...