I had never in my life a pedicure but my friend strongly recommend one as my feed started to crack and I had huge callusses. I always thougth that nail salons are only for women who want to get these really long artificial fingernails. As I do not even paint my toe or fingernails I thougth I would never set a foot into a spa or nail salon. However my feet really needed attention, so called and got an appointment on a Saturday within an hour.. It was one of the most remarkable experiences I ever had. They do not even blink when I said I do not wnat to do any painting and took really good care of my feet , explaining each step. to a novice in pedicure like me. I soon felt completely relaxed and enjoying it very much. Most remarable I could not believe it when I saw at the end of the pedicure that the calluses were completely gone and me feet felt completely smooth and relaxed. I can really highly recommend "Relaxing Nails" to everyone. To all the people who never had a pedicure, Just make an appointment you will be amazed!!