Be careful when buying from this location. A lot of the items on the shelves are expired. I bought chop meat on September 7th and when I got home the expiration date said August 10th. It looked fine which leads me to believe that they freeze it. There's been plenty of times I've looked at items on the shelf and they're expired by a few weeks and when you bring it up to an employee they pretty much shrug their shoulders and that's it. Also if you look a lot of their sales are a sham where you end up paying more money. The most recent example I had to buy bird seed for my bird feeder and they had two 5lb bags for $7.50 but if you buy the single 10lb bag of the same brand it's only $5. It's like that with a lot of their sales that involve twofers or multiple items for a certain price. It may look like a good deal but if you investigate you can by the bigger size single item same quantity and same brand for cheaper. This location also hardly has anything stocked on the shelves. Especially in the mornings. I've never been in a grocery store where 9 o'clock on a Sunday morning there's no bread on the shelves. The Harris Teeter on Sam Furr rd is much better store. This store is always clean so I'll give it two stars for that but that's the only thing going for it.