+Dinner for four--nearly $400.00; food--passable-- but I wouldn't write home about it. If you call two weeks in advance for reservations, asking for a particular table for a special occasion-- you will be told "No problem". When you get to the restaurant-- BIG PROBLEM: "Oh, sorry-- the table you requested is taken-- but we have one available over THERE [where all the bar patrons are milling around in their Penguins and Pirates shirts discussing the latest loss to the Cubs]. When we point out that we had++ requested a specific table two weeks earlier, and explain that we were told "no problem"-- we were met with: "---I DO have a table for you, just not the one you requested..." In other words-- "take it or leave it".
Cala Lily does NOT understand exactly what a "reservation" is suppose to do. It's suppose to HOLD that which was reserved [all of you Seinfeld fans will remember the reservation for the rental car when Jerry is told "...we have the reservation--- but we don't have a car for you..." As Jerry says: "The reservation is suppose to HOLD the car". Cala Lily's management needs to watch Seinfeld more often--- then MAYBE I'd have the table we asked for two weeks in advance. But it doesn't really matter-- I won't be eating at Cala Lily in the future-- did I mention that my wife was ill all night after our meal?