This station serves the Red, Green, and Blue Lines in Cleveland's Rapid light-rail system. When I lived in Cleveland, I normally caught the Red Line at the Ohio City station, but once or twice I caught the train here because I happened to be downtown.
The station itself can be hard to find if you're not familiar with Tower City. Getting here involves a lot of stair (or is it escalator?) climbing. But when you finally do get down here, you'll be thrilled to be in a strange subterranean station that doesn't really look like it belongs in Cleveland. OK, maybe you won't be thrilled, but I always was. And maybe it does look like it belongs in Cleveland, but I never thought it did.
People made a big deal in 2000 or so because they filmed part of a (pre-West Wing) Rob Lowe HBO movie in this station. I was less than pleased, though, because the station was closed that day and I needed to take the Red Line to the airport.