I let the first experience two weeks ago pass, then again today. Looked online to see if the Amazon Dot was available at the store. It showed 24 in stock. Went to the store to purchase. Could not find it in the store. An employee asked if he could help. He didn't know if the item was available and asked another employee.
The other employee told him the store didn't sell any Amazon products, you need to buy them online. Interestingly enough this guy was standing 10 feet from the Amazon Display with the tablets and the Echo. We pointed that out to him.
The employee who asked if he could help offered to look it up in their system. He did indeed find 24 in stock at the store. They did not seem to be on the floor. He went to check the back. A few minutes later he came out and told us he could not sell them to us until the 23rd. What? They were available online for immediate pickup at the store.
So, we left the store and ordered the item online. Within 15 minutes we got the text that the item was ready for pick up at the store. WTF? Went to the store to pick it up and asked for a manager to share our experience with.
Manager comes out, and surprise surprise, the manager is the guy who told the employee they don't sell Amazon. A MANAGER!!!!! Really? We spoke to him but also told him he was part of the problem. We asked for another manager. The second guy appeared to be the other manager's boss. Shared the story and they both looked like deer caught in a headlight and could not explain the reason for this issue eloquently. This happened two weeks ago with the new ROKU that was in stock but nowhere to be found on the selves.
You guys keep losing marketshare and each interaction gives me more incentive to just buy online from Amazon rather than coming to the store. You can do better than this people!