WOW !!! Good buys abound !!!
My friend Erin and I had a BALL here!!! Yes it is very 1980's but who CARES? The prices are a scream!! Yes there are a few stores that are just "there" basically regular priced stuff - but if you want to do some serious shopping THIS is the place to come!! Liz Claiborne (TWO full shopping bags later!! I really scored here because I was shopping for my Mom - she is a teeny tiny petite woman not to mention a screaming leopard two-piece skirt outfit for me!! Paid 90.00 for both pieces only to find the EXACT same outfit in Canada for 350.00 It was identical !! ) Coach rocks and they are not afraid to mark stuff DOWN either!! I loved the Rockport store nice shoes for 27.00 (regular 90.00) A very friendly store that has amazing prices in the mall is Fossil !! Bought not one but two bags !! I still use them :) And a very cool necklace. I had to make a trip to the car to unload the parcels !! I also found a nice jacket for my Dear Dad and some "kitschy" Vegas souvenirs from the kiosk in the mall. Its a great mall - not too fancy but has GREAT deals - I mean who really CARES how "up-to-date" a mall "looks"? I'd rather have lower prices - and REALLY great customer service in all the stores! Besides after you go to your car and "unload" your purchases (in the trunk!!) You can scoot over to Chilis for lunch then go to Saks Fifth Avenue clearance store which is in the same parking lot adjacent to the mall in a little strip itself - still affilliated with the mall itself. Its a great place and will continue to shop there!! Its my first STOP !!!