Apparently all you need to be called a good sandwich place is to have a snazzy catchy business name, with snazzy catchy menu and a good location. I unfortunately fell for this trap from reading reviews about it online from a different site. My girlfriend and I after I got her all excited about it ... but only to be disappointed.
We ordered a pasta salad, "Hell is Chrome", "Dreamer in my Dreams", "Kingpin" and "Rising Red Lung". All of these items can effectively be summed up using one word - bland. The ingredients chosen were cheap cuts of unseasoned meat, dry tough pulled pork, greasy beef, and improperly drained tuna. How can you call yourself a sandwich specialty place when you're serving packaged roast beef??
The service was very slow, and the coffee was extremely watered down. The only good thing was the cheese bread. The seat that I was sitting in almost catapulted me into my girlfriends lap ... it was not nailed down properly. Anyways, I'm going to spare my fingers of typing anything else ... just ... just fly away from sky blue sky.