First, chick-fil-a sauce is the greatest substance on the planet. I wouldn't be surprised if it could cure all types of diseases and extend the average human lifespan by twenty years with daily applications/ingestion. In case you haven't tried it, the honey roasted BBQ is also amazing and not as well known. Next to Chick-fil-a sauce, it is the second-greatest substance on the planet. Water is the third.
Not sure what else to say about Chick-fil-a since you've probably been living in a case if you haven't actually been to one. A note of warning: eating chicken here will make you not want to eat chicken at any other fast-food chain. In fact, chick-fil-a is so good, it's probably the closest I've ever gotten to gluttony. During my more indulgent college years, I downed an original chicken sandwhich and a six pack of chicken strips in a single sitting. Didn't think twice about it. I probably wouldn't eaten more it's so good, but my sense of shame always seemed to catch up with me eventually.
That's all for now. I'm going go rub chick-fil-a sauce all over my body.