You say Tubby, I say dog. You say Tubby, I say Who you callin' Tubby?
I love Tubby Dog. It has everything I need. Veggie Sumo dog with goofy crap on the walls. Not to Mention glass cases that enclose some of my childhood favorites.
If you need a taco dog, they got it.
If you need a chilli dog, they got it.
If you need a sushi dog, they got it.
If you, for some messed up reason desire a dog covered in PB & J and sprinkled with Captain Crunch ....well they got it.
Whatever floats your boat.
Oh yeah, if you just need a pickle and a beer with a late night punk rock show. You guessed it. They got it.
Here's to Tubby Dog. The best Dog. The top dog.