| - Daniel S. was kind enough to let me tag along on one of his excellent adventures; he sure is full of knowledge and has an appreciation for nature's beauty which I admire. Got a bit of a late start @ 11AM & went from the Hacienda Hotel car park. So please take the added 6miles with elevation gains (12.5% on the "short cut" returning) seriously. Apparently, there is a completely flat 2 mile hike through the tunnels used to build Hoover Dam. Awesome to see!
The view of Lake Mead Marina is mesmerizing. There is also quite a breeze coming off the Lake, but keep in mind it is hotter there than in Vegas. Would not suggest this as a summer jaunt. With that said, it is a great way to see the Dam (even on a Thursday, it was PACKED with tourists who took the "easy"
way: in the car :) There are plenty of restrooms and a Gift Shop and Cafeteria style Resto.
The tunnels themselves provide respite from the rest of the trail which is uncovered (at least from the route we took) you even walk over some old Railroad tracks. It is difficult to imagine the hardships endured by those whose backbreaking work it was to complete this engineering marvel. The Boston Marathon Terrorist attack happened just a few days earlier, and it was a unique moment to capture the Flag at half-mast. Was also able to get a photo of the Mascot Memorial, the dog who kept the workers company and was killed in an a accident in 1941.
Had my Camelbak 4L bladder filled with 1/2 frozen H20 & Coconut Water + 2L of Smart Water with added Aminos (genius that I am, scheduled this hike day after Leg Day @ 24) There are benches to stop and grab a protein bar, etc but again, the only shelter from the sun is in the tunnels. A hat, sunscreen, plenty of fluid and following the general rules of hiking are important. Though it made my Camelbak heavier, I had First Aid Kit, tarp, glow sticks, a mini umbrella and enough food in case we had to shelter in place. My AT&T phone was useless once we got to Dam, but Daniel's Verizon had service. Of course let someone know where you will be.
Again, thanks to Daniel for being an enthusiastic and knowledgable guide. Getting away from the stress of daily life is a gift I appreciate. Saw bikers and some dogs who likely took the 2 mile option. Which ever you choose, this is a beautiful way to spend the day and admire the flora and fauna, landscape and beauty of our desert surroundings. Lake Mead is like a sparkling Turqoise gem from up there. Explore!
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