| - At this end of Yonge, it's mostly Korean, Persian, and pizza. I really want to see a burrito/taco place make it. The old 24 hour John Anderson's gave up the ghost recently and this place moved in. I'm kind of glad John Anderson's is dead. Every time I go by that place I'm taken back to John Anderson's presidential bid, reminded I'm not only OLD but my head is filled with entirely useless memories (
It's clean, modern, and has a nice deck patio for summer. Now I do have a theory that when a Mexican restaurant uses a Mexican food term in its name, you should order that and nothing else. In defiance, I went with the tacos. Prices are good. Three good sized soft tacos, loaded, for $7 and change after tax. I got the beef. And mild sauce. They, alas, go Taco Bell ground beef style, not slow cooked and shredded.
Given the location, not sure why they didn't consider going Korea/Mexican fusion, which is all the rage in the USA.
I'll be back, certainly, to try the burritos (also quite reasonably priced). I want to like this place. With luck, they'll tweek the menu and make it something more than just another burrito place that's popping up everywhere downtown.