You know what makes all the difference in the world during dental surgery? Well, of course it helps if the doctor is extremely experienced and competent. Dr Waring is that for sure, but I don't imagine those are terribly rare qualities in a peridontist. There's something else that sets these guys apart: bedside manner.
Little things like: they give you music to listen to while you're on the table. His team keeps you distracted with conversation. Everything they says is in a very relaxed/reassuring tone of voice and he chooses his words well.
More than this, I can't emphasize enough how important it is for the dental assistant to be really on the ball. She plays a huge role in getting you done quickly and making sure you feel safe every moment of your procedure. Dr Waring's dental assistants are by far the best dental surgical assistants I've run into.
I hate dental surgery with a passion. It has been surprisingly bearable, the (three?) times now I've had Dr. Waring work on me.