I'm here as I type this. It's 10 PM. The staff seems like they just got briefed 10 minutes ago about what their role is. Taylor swift is playing, before that was Miley Cyrus and I think something from Glee before that. My mother puts better music on when she does her chores. The kitchen is closed... Although the menu says it's open... The waitresses are just regurgitated mad dawgs waitresses with new shirts, so you know your order will be all kinds of wrong no matter how simple. I asked what the specials were and the waitress got a menu, pointed at the happy hour section (circled for her convenience), read it out loud, made a face as though she was confused about what she just read and looked at me for clarification. It's like they didn't even try to fix it. This place is just mad dawgs with a less ghetto coat of paint. How foolish of me to go to a bar and grill and expect food. I guess I'll get Taco Bell on the way home.
P.s. "Bye, bye, bye" is playing now. How fitting.
*Update 9/29/2016
So somebody from the hub messaged me and apologized for my bad experience and asked that I come try them again.
That alone adds 1 star. I respect that greatly. So I did! I went in again on Thursday and actually walked through the place and it looks a lot different from mad dawgs. More TVs and comfortable seating. Nice! I sat down with my friends and was greeted by a waitress who was very friendly and got my drink order in pronto. My friends told me to order quick because the kitchen closed at 11. Okay, 11 is better than 10 but at least I got to try the food. I got the pretzel and wasn't blown away but it's a pretzel so I wasn't really disappointed. The music was a little better. Some cold play,80s stuff and a bubblegum pop song here or there but at least it was spread out. My beer was good, the pretzel wasn't half bad and it has changed a lot in the last few weeks so all in all I raise my review up. Well done guys I will definitely be coming back.