| - Drive-In movie theaters are still pretty cool! This is especially true for families with young children. Watching in the comfort of your own vehicle allow the kids to make as much noise inside without bothering other movie-goers. Enjoy your own food and drink or make your way to the concession stand nearby.
Multiple-screens with first-come first-serve parking at $7.50 a person, count me in. Children 4 and under are free. Many of the ticket price covers double features (so watch Jungle Book followed by Captain America 3!)
The concession stand is relatively cheap compared to standard theater prices with all your typical movie snack fare: popcorn, nachos, Nathan's hotdogs, churros, candy, and more. Right outside of the concession stand, a little park with a few slides can entertain the little ones while you wait for the show to start.
Looking around, you'll see many different setups. People parked in reverse, trunks wide open. People lying down on the backs of their trucks' trunks. Even kids sitting on top of their van's roof. Of course, you can just park normal, recline your chair, tune-in to the assigned F.M. radio station and enjoy your movie.
The one thing you need to consider is your car battery draining, especially during a long movie. Either keep your car on or at least start your car up every now and then so it doesn't lose its charge. Fortunately, if you have your battery drain (like I did my first time at this theater), the staff will jump start your car with their portable, free of charge! Alternatively, bring a radio, or a headset that picks up the radio, prop down a few foldable lawn chairs, and watch outside your car.
Whether you're out looking for a unique date night out, or you want to watch the coolest new movie release but can't leave your kids behind, West Wind's drive-in theater is the place to be.
Yelp 100 Challenge 2016 - 24 / 100