| - Oh 16th Avenue Earl's how you raised me, fed me, called me your own. Remember the time me and Lise would come and drink coffee for hours with Ashley the waiter who was a man, I do.
These were the green and white stripe days, when I was 16, you left me with such a love in my heart that when I turned 18 and wasn't really sure what to do after high school, I found myself at 17th Avenue Earl's, your second cousin, Radisson Heights Earl's.
Of course my love for Earl's only grew each day making friends first as a hostess then as a waitress, party planner and even comedy writer for events we had.
What an amazing experience it was to work with Al and Mo Jessa in the kitchen, and Jerry Parker as my manager. I made friends with Justine, Fire-Katt, The Kid, Rick DeRossa, Anita, JV Finlayson, Danny, Spy, Veronica, Bruce Poontip and an old fave Eeeeeen Ball! Here's something for you if you find this Een, "It twirled UP!"
In training at Earl's they actually make you take a test and you have to know the food REALLY well. You have to know that the chicken tenders use Japanese Panko breading and there is orange rind in the plum sauce.
Tip money sent me to Jamaica, and Mexico and all other kinds of trouble.
It used to be that each year Earl's would send their kitchen managers and general managers on a trip around the world. They would go and taste wines, and try new recipes and come back with a new dish and a lot of amazing ways to make the menu EVEN better.
This is where Nasi Goreng came from, and interesting new ingredients to create that fresh amazing taste that Earl's is known for. When they say "Fresh food up", that means, no freezer except for the frozen pie.
I ended up being transferred to Lethbridge Earls during college, and then when I got back and was looking for work in Journalism Earls' was there for me again up at West-Hills.
Years ago I moved to San Diego where there is NO Earls sadly and for years I've been in a professional setting testing software and websites, but I still JONES for Earl's food.
A little while ago I drove out to Arizona and found and Earl's in Scottsdale, near Phoenix, mmmmmmmm I love it there, I had one of my old FAVES, pork dry ribs (with course salt and pepper) and their amazing clam chowder soup.
Dude, Earl's does a body good :)
I can't say enough good things about my experiences and fun and friends I met working at Earl's. It was my entrance to the restaurant world but not just that, an eye opening fun way to learn about food, presentation and international flavors that are FRESH!