| - This is one of the most dishonest establishments operating in the state of Arizona.
October of 2015, I entered their experienced art division, and went to the fair after the judging was over, and found a white 3rd place ribbon. Not only that, but the tag hanging off of my entry, with my name, as well as the number on my receipt on it, had "3rd" written upon it, as well.
You can see evidence of this on an image in my own gallery, that I've also posted on their page here.
The head of the entry department called me, and told me it was by "mistake". Mistake? How can someone write 3rd on a tag with my name and art number on it, as well as place a ribbon on a piece of work, by mistake?? This is downright fraud. They had the nerve to tell me "We won't ask for the ribbon back" Ask for it back? I won it! Shame on this operation, making me wait nearly 4 months, only to come back with some garbage about them having to go by the judges book. In my personal opinion, someone somewhere, has pocketed a 50$ dollar bill, and they hinted on the phone, that I'm not the only one it's happened to.
If you're reading this, and considering entering something into a contest, this is not the place to enter. There are far better, more official contests, without the time wasting, money embezzling policies of the Arizona State Fair to worry about.