When we first walked into this place, we went to the front to order. Hmm..I see this is a trend with the korean restaurants in campus town. So first things first, they don't accept cash. My, we need to get with the times people. And I ask the girl at the front (who's spacing off) "what's good here?" She looks at me completely puzzled as if she's never been asked that question and shrugs looking at the specials saying "here are the specials". Um, okay.. So I order one of the specials, which is tofu soup and fish. I actually enjoy the salty fish and the kimchi is alright, not the greatest, and the tofu soup could be better. So yeah, the food is okay, not too bad. But yes, this place looks like a cafeteria and it was packed with college korean students..why? I don't know.. Maybe there aren't too many korean restaurants around here? I'm getting deja-vu from woori jib but the food was better here.