| - OK, another up market hot dog joint...good enough hot dogs...rows of beautiful, state of the art condiment dispensers... lovely tables and décor...and I am just not getting it.
I like hot dogs as much as the next red blooded, all American boy...maybe more...but I do not understand how these places can make it on fact, I don't think they can.
It seems that these new upscale kind of hot dog joints have a menu that stops just of short of being a Fox Restaurant Conniption...everything from yam fries to prime rib dip on the menu!
But, I came in for a hot a dog and a hot dog is what I got...for $2.65 US Dollars.
It was a particularly necessary and poignant retox for me...not only did I get in a nice run this morning, but I had to go to the Arizona MVD to finally complete the process of getting new tags for my car...a process that took over 4 months and more than 25 hours of my time on the phone and waiting at the MVD...which is another review about the adequacy (or lack thereof) of the data processing systems, processes and employees of the State of Arizona Motor Vehicle Division.
I celebrated finally emerging from the gantlet, bloodied and scarred, but unbowed...with a hot dog!
The hot dogs themselves are reasonably priced, pretty well prepared, served on little "loaves" that have been toasted and buttered (I think you know that in my world, butter=goodness).
I looked around, and they don't seem to tout any particular type of sausages or wiener manufacturer (you Schreiners or Schuylers or imported from Buffalo, NY, or specially made from baby seal scrotums or something)...but the wieners were certainly serviceable.
The service was also "serviceable" but was more like a standard "hot dog stand"...not the most personable group behind the counter...and if you are trying to upsell to justify the rent and the build out of the space in a mall like just might need a little well as the ability to do more than ask "ja want fry wit' dat?"
Finally, as I ate my wiener (go ahead...snicker...I'll wait...done?...OK) I noticed another slightly "off" element to the HDS...the music playing sounded like Greek ballads (which may be the case, since I thought the accents behind the counter sounded Greek) and they were playing rather loudly...although the obligatory flat screen was tuned to ESPN and was also turned up...committing 1st degree cacophony.
One set of sounds or the other...not both...and by the way, since when is the background music tuned to what the staff or owner wants to listen to, as opposed to what the customers want to hear?
I'll tell you good old divey, cruddy, greasy hot dog only hot dog joints, where the radio is playing what the cook wants and nobody had better mess with the settings.
But that's not what HDS is trying for...they may need to rethink a couple of things if they want rise above the rest.
2.5 stars for an average hot dog, mediocre service and the odd ambiance...and I just don't round up...esp. after a trip to the MVD...sadly.