| - During the course of my daily womanizing, I ended up here again. Let me just say:
I love hanging out at this library with college students who are going through that "activist" stage in their lives. The same students who get all their political advice from Hollywood celebrities. Every little opinion they have comes from what Lady GAGA or Angelina Jolie said at an award show while they were wearing dresses made of sirloin steaks or empty soda cans.
I love hearing every student's views on government even though they don't even know what the 3 branches of Government are.
Did you know that the Democrats are going to lower taxes and reduce the amount of government involved in our lives? I heard it myself from a UNLV performing arts major! These students are in "college", so they must be smart... so why not believe them? Remember back in 08, how these same SMART college students said that when Obama is elected, all racism will finally end and be erased from the face of America? These were the same SMART college students who supported YES on California's Prop 8 because they thought YES meant YES to Gay Marriage. These are also the same SMART college students who are against Women's Suffrage because they don't like it when "women suffer". And not to forget, these are the same SMART college students who are Pro-Euthanasia because they like young people in Asia.
Need a computer for school work? They don't got that over here. They only got computers for checking your facebook.
The best part of this library is actually the short walk over there from the parking lot. You will see countless douchebags with guitars who are singing songs about starving children in Africa, in hopes that it will attract a girl so he can finally get laid.
Apparently, they have wifi here. Personally, I was never able to log onto it.
The only floor where you can quietly study is the 3rd floor, but this floor sucks because there ain't no hot chicks over there.
I love hanging at the library with some of those Filipino students who will constantly talk about having "SPANISH BLOOD", even though it's a proven fact that only 3.4% of Filipino people have Spanish or any kind of White in them. Oh yes, I love listening to them talk about "not being Asian" because of their Spanish last names.... While totally disregarding the fact that in 1848 General Narciso Claveria issued a law that changed Filipino surnames into Spanish ones because he didn't like their Asian sounding last names. You would think that since they have "history" classes on this UNLV campus, someone would have taught these particular Filipino students the FACTS on why they have Spanish last names, and why they have 0% European-White in them.
I also love how the bleached blonde Psychology majors on this campus can't even spell the word: PSYCHOLOGY. These are the same blondes who call the library: the Li-berry.
I just love UNLV.