AVOID this place!! I'm very new to the area and only know how to get to walmart and dunkin donuts from my house haha anyway when I saw this salon I figured I'd give it a shot. To be fair, the prices are cheap as hell and posted clearly with a full explanation of what services entail right when you walk in plus (awesome) there were a few clients, it was clean and had a great spa vibe so I went for it.
I got a pedicure and a color change on my acrylics. my tech did such a shitty job removing the dry dead gross skin from my heels. Furthermore, this establishment charges you EXTRA to remove the calluses on your feet when you get a pedicure..........im sorry but isn't that the whole point of getting pedi? If I just wanted painted toes I'd do that shit myself at home. so that pissed me off but I added the 'additional' service and when I left the salon and got home my husband rubbed my feet and was able to feel all the rough gross skin still left on my heels!!! What the hell did I even pay for!?
Good Lord..the sorry ass color change on my acrylics. I wanted a French and the lady that did it while I was in the pedi chair! she couldn't even wait and give me the courtesy and attention of 10 minutes at an actual table...the lines are sloppy and huge! half of my nail is white and uneven.
FINALLY I get up to pay and decide to put the services (33 bucks) on my debit card and tip in cash (guys I tipped EVEN THOUGH I wasn't satisfied) and when I asked to break a 20 for this bitch's tip money she scoffed and said some shit about why wouldn't I just pay cash
that was the last straw for me. so, to sum up this scathing rant...GO ELSEWHERE!