Long ago I liked Hot Dog on A Stick because I could get plain lemonade with zero sugar and I could add my own. Plain, simple and old fashioned...where I control the sweetness. They used an old fashioned lemon press poured into a cup with water. Haven't been there in years, and was at the mall shopping, placed the order and the girl at counter says they don't squeeze fresh juice. I replied they used to. She proceeds to get a plastic container out of a small fridge and pours me a cup. She charges over $3 and I'm thinking they keep fresh lemon juice in fridge, and just no longer squeeze in front of you... and thats what she's pouring. I take one sip and it tasted like crap! Asked girl what was in it and she said Splenda. I said I did not ask for diet, or artificially flavored lemonade. I asked for plain lemonade with no sugar which is also called fresh lemon juice with water. She says they don't have fresh lemon juice. And then she remarks that "everything is all technical"! WHAT???? Girl is not the brightest crayon in the box! Was very disgusted with HDOAS at that point and did not feel like arguing for a refund. After asking my friend if she wanted it and walking away threw the damn cup of lemon artificially flavored crap in the trash. After the awful experience with the clueless counter girl I am no longer a fan of HDOAS. Really deserves negative stars instead of one star. Thumbs down for Hot Dog on a Stick, and clueless counter girl!!!