| - Food: 7/10 -- Value: 7/10 -- Service: 9/10 -- Ambiance/Décor: N/A
Big Smoke Burger is not your typical cheap burger, but it also isn't anything special. It sits somewhere in the middle of the pack.
I feel like I'm the average consumer. I like junk food, burger and fries, and I only notice if they're at the polar extremes: really good or really bad. So for me, I couldn't tell you how this differs from Five Guys unless I were to eat them side by side, bite for bite.
I've had two of their signature burgers - Big Smoke Burger® and the Blue Burger. I can't remember what Big Smoke was like specifically other than that I liked it. That comes with horseradish mayo, caramelized onions, smoked cheddar, tomato, and lettuce.
The one I tried today was the Blue Burger, which comes with Gorgonzola, avocado, rosemary garlic mayo, tomato, and lettuce. As I tend to find with hot foods that come with avocado, it gets a little muddled. Warm avocado is not really its ideal state in my opinion, so the mushed avocado with the cheese comes together in a mehhhh kinda way. It's missing something.
They've streamlined the ordering a bit, with someone standing by the line taking orders on a tablet so they can start making the food and all you have to do is go to one of the cashiers to pay.
The burger was about $9 and the combo brought it to $14-15. Typical downtown food court prices, but last I tried, they offered free refills, which is a nice touch!