| - You don't really appreciate how good your hair stylist is until they are gone. And let me tell you, I am big on Hair. My grandmother did hair for about 35 years and when she retired, I was in desprate need of a new stylist I could trust and not damage my hair.
For about 2 years I had the pleasure of getting my hair done by Miykael and Charita Parrish. I loved that their philosophy on Natural Hair. Charita set my hair perfectly every time. She is a magician with color. I wear my hair blonde highlighted like in my picture. Never once did they complain it was hard to do or too much to handle. They always greeted me with a smile and my hair left feeling amazing.
There's no better way to show you love your job when you design your own hair producst line specifically for hair in dry weather. Miykael's products made my hair soft and shiny and manageable in the dry Vegas weather. I also loved that I could purchase the product for home use. Sometimes he would just give me product to try because I was such a good client.
Whenever I wore a straight look, Miykael did my hair. That man wields a flat iron like no one else. My hair never got so straight, even when I wore it relaxed. Everywhere I went I received compliments and asked where I got my hair done. The nice thing is, Miykael and Charita really can do it all. They do everything from straight to curly, to natural, to mixed.
The salon, from what I remember, was a nice boutique studio. I never felt uncomfortable because people were starring at me or looking at my head. I could have private conversations and share my thoughts with my stylists. They were always professional and never had that "barbershop" gossip. I am HUGE on that. I don't want to hear what people did with their boyfriends, and girlfriends and who is fighting who. I just want my hair done.
Overall, I really miss Charita and Miykael and hearing about their 3 beuatiful children. They are hard working and deserve every bit of success. The price is reasonable compared to what you get, which is exceptional. I truly hope that one day I will be able to get my hair done by them again. I will have to win the lottery so I can fly back home from Denver every 2 weeks.