| - HIRE NEW MANAGEMENT or expect to close soon.
Now that that is out of the way.. I've been there a few times, mainly because of the proximity to our house/work, also because of the coupons which came in the Citypass book.
This most recent time was the worst and was, without a doubt, the last time I will ever go to this or any other location for this franchise.
There were 4 of us there at lunch time (12:45pm-1pm or so) on a Thursday. We were literally one of 3 tables there. One table was already eating and the other table was waiting for their food. The 4 of us ordered and it took around 30 minutes for our food to come. Completely unreasonable, considering we were literally 1 of 2 tables waiting for food in the entire restaurant. When the food did come, the fries were lukewarm at best, so we sent them back. It took nearly 10 minutes for the new fries to come... My girlfriend ate her entire sandwich while we were waiting for her fries to come back.
At this point, we were pretty frustrated so I asked to speak to the manager. The manager, a blond lady named Christine came over. I explained the situation to her (pretty much as I did above). She said that she was in the kitchen and she saw the tickets come back so she knows that it didn't take 10 minutes for the fries. I said it may have not been 10 minutes but it was close, and that it was definitely upwards of 30 minutes for our food. She literally argued with me on every point of contention that I had. I could have (and in retrospect, should have) continued to argue with her, especially since I know that I was right. Instead, I told her to have a good day and ended the conversation.
My girlfriend, who has spent the majority of her life in the service industry, agreed that the way it was handled was completely ridiculous. We weren't looking for free food, we weren't rude or making outlandish remarks... we just wanted her to know the situation and that we were less than satisfied. So my girlfriend wrote the Corporate office on their website, hoping for some sort of response... again, nothing. I have also sent them a message on Twitter (@wingsrings) - also to no response. It's clear to me that they couldn't care less and for that reason, I will definitely never return.