While researching places to shoot when visiting a friend in AZ, I looked at my friends work. I saw a review about my friend and his behavior. One thing I know is that above all else Ryan is concerned with saftey and any situation that is deemed unsafe will be met with the appropriate action. Don't take one man's review as a standard experience. I'd suggest using Ryan for his wealth of knowledge and experience and not take the word of a man who does not treat weapons with respect. It is also common practice at ranges to not allow personal ammunition to be fired through store owned weapons as there is no validation that the ammo being presented is properly loaded or safe to fire through the weapon you are requesting to use. High chamber pressures or "hot loads" can cause catastrophic failure and cause injury. Serious bodily harm and death. Like a "squib" (rounds that do not have enough power to allow it to fully exit the barrel) can cause a round to be stuck in the barrel and a follow on round fired can cause the weapons to explode upon contact with the round in the barrel. I commend Ryan for having the foresight to avoid a dangerous situation. I for one have more faith than ever in this range and the knowledge of their personnel. If you want to use your own ammunition I suggest brining your own weapon as well. Hope this helps those who read it.