RUDE! I'm an American and was vacationing in Montreal. We stopped at this Starbucks. The female Asian barrista was an idiot and made a crappy cappuccino but worse, the heavy set short female with glasses and long dark hair in ponytail was just plain rude. I cannot stand when someone works in customer service and is rude to a customer. I paid for an extra shot. When I got my drink, it was not marked with an xtra shot and was about 1/3 of cup of coffee. I tasted the cappuccino and it tasted like warm milk with a hint of coffee. When I asked the short female taking the orders about the xtra shot and she no - you didn't order. I said yes, it is on the receipt. She turned and started waiting on another customer which was now at the register. oh well, out 5.00 and can only warn others about it.