| - UNSPECTACULAR.............simple enough.
menu is dull and uninspired.....i expected SO much more from this place. looks like a menu rehashed from the late '90s.
cocktails, ok, service, ok, atmosphere is like a school cafeteria, nothing you want to hang out in, food is not something i can, or care to, remember. it was JUST OK, but not special, good or creative enough to return.....just dull.
even the dessert menu....dull. lava cake? really? geez, that's so innovative and crazy!
and that was the best choice on the dessert i said, dull
they'll need to amp this place up to get a returning customer base.
it really caters to the tastes of a bunch of theater people who really don't eat out that often, so i guess the menu is "dumbed down" for them?
and a BIG they ever wash those gross cuttingboards they leave on all of the tables?