I've only been to PCL with promoters though they've all graduated and left Arizona by now. This was great because I used to be easily annoyed and definitely wouldn't bother waiting on lines or paying for drinks. Of course, I probably shouldn't be posting this but another positive was the lack of id check. Now that I'm twenty one, I can thankfully go out wherever I want but I'd return here time and time again for those reasons. Though I don't expect drinks from guys now that I've spent so much time in Australia I do expect lines. America's so much more populated than half the countries I've been to recently. I swear, I always feel like I'm on a cue. Apologies for my digression here..
When I've been to PCL it's always an interesting scene. You can find young college kids who have all piled into big orange buses and made their way over from Tempe OR the 35+ single creepy guy who wants a piece of some ASU chick. There are pros and cons, obviously.
You can count on the DJ being good which adds to the all around great atmosphere. If you don't know, I love hip-hop and they've usually got a perfect mix between this and house. My favorite thing about this place are the ceiling screens that usually have picture of hot almost naked chicks ;)
It's also awesome to go out to PCL and find pictures of yourself up on their site after a messy weekend. Check their website out for specific deets in regards to special dates and DJ's coming into town.