| - I just want to say that it is rare today, In the hustle and bustle of our lives, to run into someone that is willing to go the extra mile and take the time to help someone they see on the side of the road. I know I am guilty of driving by when I see someone with a flat and not turning around to do anything about it. Now, if you can find a company who's owner is willing to act in kindness that way, and not even with a client, how much more if you were a client? I was driving down Happy Valley Road and got a flat tire, could stay parked in the bike lane to wait for my husband so I slowly drove about half a mile to the nearest turn off which was 83rd Ave. I was praying that no one would run into me and hat I wouldn't ruin the car by driving on it with a flat for that distance.... as soon as I asked and prayed for help as I was turning into 83rd to be in a safe place, a young man rolled down his windows and asked if he could help... he pulled into the nearest safe place and took the time to help. He just happens to be the owner of this company, he was on his way home and driving the opposite way when he saw me going 5 mph on a flat and decided to turn around. After a long day of work, he was willing to stop and help me.... he was very kind and so humble about helping, the only reason I knew he worked for this company was because he had his work shirt on. I then found out that he was the owner as we talked and he took care of my tire. I am so grateful to you Mr. Anthony! If you are this kind and generous to someone you don't even know, your clients and staff must experience an amazing way of doing business. Thank you for what you did! Thank you for turning around. Thank you for being kind and for letting God tug your heart so that we can both use this story to share with our friends and family. Kind humans exist, we all have it in us, sometimes you just need to turn around. I will remember you always.... some of you may be thinking ... " lady, it was just a flat tire..." and you are welcome to your opinion if you've read this far... my point is... a person with that kind of integrity and purpose must be an amazing person to work for and an amazing person to go to when you need help with something going on at your home. Thank you again!!!!