| - In my limited NFL experiences, I declare BOA Stadium to be a wonderful sports venue, regularly filled by amiable Panther's fans.
I attended a Broncos/Panthers game earlier this season, and had an all around great time. As a Broncos fan, I felt it was important to really make myself seen, thus I wore a bright orange Broncos jersey in awesome Panther's seats.
Despite my overt disregard for the home team, all the comments that I received from rival fans were in good spirits, and never abrasive or threatening (perhaps this was due to the fact that the Broncos got destroyed by the Panthers, and further embarrassment was not necessary).
Beers and food are expensive as hell, but hey its a pro sports game.
Comparatively, ticket prices are not ridiculous. The face value of my amazing seats was $90, while at a home Broncos game these would have easily been $200+. Thus you can be an NFL fan in Charlotte without needing the corner office.
All in all, I was impressed with the experience. I came in as a boisterous away fan and left with a great time.