| - This place is GROSS. My husband and I took my, at the time, 7 year old step son to this Chuck E Cheese...never agian. Our 2 younger kids will NEVER be allowed to enter this "establishment".
1. The pizza is God awful...just don't.
2. The games are outdated but at least they're cheap.
3. There are swarms of rude, poorly-behaved, unattended ragamuffins everywhere. They will steal your children's tokens and tickets if they think you're not looking. I'm sure they'd do the same to you purse. There were some well behaved kids there too, unfortunately the mini-felons are the ones you notice. :(
4. Some of the parents are equally as rude and immensely trashy. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
An example of this is when some loud mouth mother came to our table and informed us my step-son called her 4 year old daughter a "ho". I can guarantee he had no clue what a "ho" was and those words never came out of his mouth as he doesn't know anybody who would speak that way. She proceeded to tell her 4 year old that if he said it again for her to say "your mama's a ho". We just laughed at her ignorant remark (especially considering I'm not even his mother), of course that only made her more angry, MWA HA HA HA!!!! Great parenting lady (I use the term lady loosely)...and she had 5 kids with her. I weep for humanity that people like her have 5+ kids.
5. The staff are a bunch of teenage kids. They don't really care but they're not entirely unpleasant either. Just disinterested.
6. Security sucks, plain and simple. I probably could have smuggled out a kid or two if I had wanted to.
7. This place is dirty and unkempt. I can't even imagine allowing a young toddler to crawl around on the floor. Good lord, what is lurking in the ball pit??? *shudder*
In conclusion, if you like unruly, unattended animal-like children, rude parents, horrible pizza, outdated games and filth this is the place for you! If you have standards, go somewhere else.