| - Holy shit , where do you start with this one.
If McDonald's where serving sushi , it would have to be better than the dung sandwich i was served here. They try to fool you by showing this impressive selection of rolls, all with clever names, but they all have the same items in them, eel, Salmon ,crab, and a sauce. deep fried.
The soft shell crab I ordered had a beer batter on it. I am not kidding , like it was a cheap onion ring. The salmon eggs must have came from a bait shop, they had no flavor, and I hope to hell I'm not going to vomit them through my nose tonight. The topper was when I ordered Toro, It was light green with a funny slime on it. I told the waiter i didn't want to die today and sent it back, and asked for the check.
I feel lucky to get out of this place alive.
If you want to get back at someone , get them a gift certificate from this shithole.