| - Oh Barry! well you came, and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, Oh Barry! Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today, Oh Barry!
(Replace Barry with Mandy).
If you recognized those lyrics, then yes, you are a Fanilow! I love this show! I told the mister that we are watching Barry Manilow when we were making our plans for our Vegas trip. The mister made the mistake of putting me in charge of what shows that we would see. The mister and I will pretty much the only ones in the audience that were not senior citizens. I will vouch that this show is for all ages no need to be over 65. To my surprise, I had a big belly redneck guy sitting next to me with his wife. His wife, like me forced the her mister to go see this show. This redneck crossed his arms on his chest and was stoic the entire time! I could tell that he hated it when the whole audience had to stand up and including himself when Barry told everyone to get up from their seats and start singing, "I can't smile without you".
My most favorite part was seeing a show clip from the seventies of Barry singing "Mandy". Then Barry comes in a piano and sings Mandy with the younger Barry on the screen simultaneously. It was an amazing performance and he capped it with "Could it be Magic", which is another of my favorite songs.
I got my tickets through Ticketmaster. I was able to get better seats and pricing by paying with an amex card. It is pricey, but so worth it if you love Barry. This theater at Paris is a good one to watch the show. This was a once in a lifetime experience for me.
Oh Barry! Well you came, and you gave without taking.....Alright, I will stop singing!