| - All I know is that I was definitely not shitn' rainbows! JeniPHO is our normal southwest Pho spot, but because they only accept cash when we only had debit, we hit up Rainbow. We step in the restaurant and to my surprise, it looks a hellofalot smaller than how it looks from the outside.. somewhat of a hallway with two rows of booths and tables... but that was not the problem. We walk in with no one to greet myself and my party. We stand around for about 10 minutes wondering if we were supposed to seat ourselves or wait to be seated. Finally a waitress steps out of the kitchen to take orders from already seated customers. I try to make eye contact with her and wave her down but then she rushes back inside the kitchen. Another 10 minutes or so have passed and just about the time we were ready to walk out, the same waitress rushes back from the kitchen, makes eye contact with me and without a smile, a hello or a welcome, she points us to our table.. mind you she was across the hallway. We walk to our table and find that it had not been reset from the prior customers. A gentleman busts through the kitchen door and clears the table. The waitress then approaches us and throws us our menus without again eye contact, a smile, a "hello" or even a "Welcome to Rainbow Pho". Where's the decency?!! We end up ordering Eggrolls for the appetizer, the traditional Steak Pho, Curry Noodle Soup and a Thai Iced Coffee. 30 minutes pass by and our food has yet to be served.. i mean.. how long does it take to stew up some beef broth and raw meat? Let alone fry up four eggrolls? The waiter comes out with two large cokes wherein I inform him that it was not part of our order. He apologizes and says he is giving us free cokes because he realizes our order is taking so long. First of all, we don't drink much coke, second, they were large cokes and third.. i still haven't received my iced coffee! Another 10 minutes ensue with stomachs ready and waiting. Our first order comes out and suprise!! ..its Pho!! ..but wait.. no appetizer? Isn't the appetizers main purpose is to appetize before the main course? The rolls finally come out and the Curry Soup slowly follows it.. still no iced coffee. The Pho and the eggrolls were tastey, the Curry Soup however was very bland. I had to throw in about 5 lime wedges, jalapenos and hoison sauce in the mix for me to actually enjoy the soup. Oh yeah, the iced coffee finally arrived to its destination and it was probably the best item I've ordered. I think they should've at least comp'd the coffee. Other than that, I wasted about an hour of my life on waiting and poor customer service. I would've rather sold that hour of my life to the devil in exchange for some Cheeburger. One and done.