Got my order. Beats me why McD always has such low reviews. Service seems pretty good to me. Then again I just order a soda. Opened the door for this older lady. After sitting down with my drink she was still ordering with the counter clerk. She tells him she is 85. Thin Asian grandma type. Conversation is a little comical since she won't leave the counter waiting for her food. Could've swore she asked for egg rolls?
Appears she ordered an egg muffin. Have not seen someone eat it one bun at a time. The crew were nice and brought it out for her on a table. Good service for a fast food if you ask me. Just observing human activity as I am waiting for the social security office to meander through the queue. (Should've gotten my sleeping bag.)
Normally I reserve 4 stars to good restaurants as the coveted 5 is used sparingly but I think they are a 4 as far as fast food is concerned. The tables are clean. Floors cleAn. Restroom freshly mopped. Nothing I can complain about really.