YELP 365 CHALLENGE 2014-(78/365) "No Tarjeta, No Trabajo!"
Soooo happy that the process for getting your health card is much easier!
You can read up and take the exam online now
Awesome that we don't need to sit through those boring, outdated food handling videos anymore...terrible acting!
Located on Valley View next to the Meadows Mall
Grab a number, fill out your form and there's not much of a wait afterwards
Step in front of the camera, say CHEESE! and endure another brief wait to have your brand spankin' new health card in hand.
Food handlers need to have this card on them AT ALL TIMES or risk getting sent home if the Health Inspector catches you empty handed. Its happened to co-workers before...
If the inspector asks for your card, show it to him/her, go directly to the hand washing sink, wash your hands properly, then go back to your work...people have been docked points by skipping that important step!
Thank goodness I don't need to renew again until 2016! ALOHA!!!
Shaka Meter: \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ 4