| - Amazing. Everything a craft brewery is supposed to be, PLUS THE AMERICAN DREAM ALIVE AND KICKIN'!! The brewmaster, Matt, served us himself last night - just samples and growlers, of course - and told us the tale of his two-years-in-the-mashing project, The Hop Farm! Every single one of his current five drafts (ranging from saison to Russian Imperial Stout!) was just a piece of creamy art, making my tongue a more well-rounded, worldy person as a whole...THEN he revealed that these weren't even his favourites or specialties...but sour beers sure are (he's salivating just thinking about them), and they're on their way! Sheesh! I'm not a sour beer lady myself, but if he was just bored and sloughed out these other masterpieces, I'd be more than willing to give his sour creations a try. Needless to say, we left with four growlers. Yeehaw!