Goodwill is awesome! It's spring cleaning time and this is the perfect place to get rid of all the knick knacks, clothing, toys, dishes, appliances, etc that you SWEAR you're gonna use "one day". I've donated thousands of dollars worth of stuff throughout the years and its proven a wonderful tax write off. When people come to my home, the first thing they say is "THIS LOOKS LIKE A MODEL HOME, YOU HAVE SO MUCH SPACE AND NOTHING IS SITTING OUT!" The reason for that is I HATE CLUTTER! If I'm not using it, it needs to go. Also, it's difficult NOT to bring stuff back from Goodwill. It's easy to drop off then be tempted to buy something else you most likely don't need. I'm glad to see this store has expanded their square footage. It keeps me motivated to keep donating and de-cluttering!