SALES DEPT. LIES TO POTENTIAL Customers. I came here interested in purchasing a vehicle from this location, but judging from the incompetence of the salesman and his manager it would be a bad idea. Of course the sales pitch sounds nice (they act like they're doing a favor by knocking down the dealer add-ons to impress you). They lie about how much they are really giving you for the trade in or inflate the value (again, just taking it off the ridiculous "dealer fees") They are not professional (unfulfilled promises of call back and updates) and they try to keep you there for hours without really getting anything done. Instead handling the finance options while the department and bank was open on a Friday, the sales manager says he'll call back on Saturday. Saturday comes, and then "he says oh banks are closed we'll get back to it on Monday". Well, being a sales manager isn't that what your job was when we were there on Friday afternoon? Monday came and they still didn't get info from the bank. Take your business elsewhere, these people are incompetent and I would never invest in anything they're selling.