| - When I first went in, I got my glasses "measured" incorrectly. So I had to get lenses reordered. Not to mention, both the first and second pair of lenses had light scratches on them as the glasses were adjusted by employees who kept all their rings on. Took me three employees to get them adjusted properly. When I got the second, correct, pair of lenses put in, they scratched the frame of the glasses too, about 1cm long. The second lenses were correctly measured, but cut so quickly that the left lens was left about 1/3 of a CM thicker than the right one, when my old lenses were even and both fit in the frame. Neither of my new lenses fits in the frame now! They stick out of the frame, nearly into my eyebrow. I'm HIGHLY disappointed with LensCrafters. As soon as I possibly can, I am returning these or asking for completely new frames and lenses. They adjusted these frames so much that the scratch and asymmetry of them are annoying me to no ends. Too bad they're the only place that sells Raybans. If this is always the service they have, I would rather just get a different brand!