Good music, good coffee, great place to study!
Coffee: I got a iced hazelnut coffee. Felt slightly rushed to order as no one else was in the shop and both servers were waiting on me. I wish I had a bit more time to consider my order but now I know for next time. The coffee is all right but the service is great.
Parking: plenty of parking outside!
Wifi: Log on to cisco and enter the password. It's a bit slower than normal so you might not be able to binge watch on Netflix if there are others around.
Atmosphere: The music is great! Classic 2000s/late 90s mixed in with a few of the recent hits. Loving the selection. The wall art is eclectic filled with small tips and inspirational life quotes. Pretty interesting when you're staring off into space. Couches in the center if you feel like lounging or taking a nap.
Outlets: tons of outlets along the wall where most of the tables and chairs are located. And I must say, these chairs are some of the comfiest I've sat in.