I used to love the hot chocolate at this place but I was totally disappointed last night. I had the same Italian Hot Chocolate a couple months ago but this time the chocolate is ridiculously sweet and watery. Italian hot chocolate is supposed to be thick. It's about the cocoa and the milk. But no. They have to screw it up. This place has gone downhill. I told the server about it and he added more 100% dark cocoa to balance it but it's still watery. I specifically asked him to make sure it's hot. But it still comes back only lukewarm. What's the point of having hot chocolate when you can't make it hot? This place is seriously lacking passion in making chocolate. Maybe it should be called Emo Cacao 70.
I also used to love its waffle but last night we were greeted with soggy waffle. WTF! I'm charged 16.95 for a plate of soggy waffle. The sides on all three of our desserts is the same banana, strawberry, and chocolate syrup. It's boring.