The Saskatoon Farm is a great place to bring the family for breakfast/lunch or to pick some berries.
Following their Facebook page will help you know when they have berries available to pick and what events are going on at the farm. It seems now that it's off season for berries they have lots of other events going on including paint nights.
The farm is located just a short drive south of Calgary and gets really busy on the weekends, parking can get full pretty quickly but they do have a pretty large lot or you can park further down the road and walk a bit.
It's easiest if you pay cash for the U-Pick grazing fee to speed up the process then you can pick as many berries as you'd like and pay for the buckets on your way out, they calculate the cost by weight.
The restaurant and shop are also really cute and worth a visit to. If it's berry season I recommend going for brunch and then going to pick berries after with a full stomach.